Valuable prefixes and suffixes…

There are keyword domains with certain prefixes and suffixes that are extremely valuable in .com and even the .net / .org alternate extensions… Always have been and always will be. Some examples are,,,,,,  etc.

The above few domain examples are ones I’ve picked up recently. Some have already been developed, while some will be re-sold. So with that said, here are some  popular suffixes and prefixes for e-commerce types of stores which I like and recommend you to stay on the look out for:

Suffixes… Domains ending in: Store, Shop, Warehouse, Online,  Outlet, Gear, Supply, Supplies, Equipment, Reviews, etc.

Prefixes….. Domains starting with: Best, Buy, Cheap, Discount, Online, Top, etc.

There are some others for informational types of sites / general resources. You could use a suffix such as guide, online, reviews, news, etc. Those are basically the two dozen or so most common suffixes and prefixes which are used on e-commerce sites as well as regular informational sites.

So do you like them? Have any others that you would like to share maybe?? Go ahead and speak up… We’d love to hear from you ;)

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