Try to up-sell and cross-sell as much as possible.. Increase sales!

When it comes to domain sales, it doesn’t matter what the proper wording is… Just try to sell as many of your domains to the buyers that you do deal with one way or another… So, this weekend I had an “end-user” contact me out of the blue in regards to which was a hand reg… So we bargained a bit back and forth and then agreed on a fair price. I have hundreds of these tourism domains, and am not attached to a single one. Easy decision.. Sell!

Once that deal was done with, I immediately offered him two more similar domains that are in Canada which there is a good chance he would be interested in acquiring as well if the price was right. So I said I have and as well… I gave him a nice price on both, and it was a done deal… Quick and easy. Everybody is happy. Win-win.

“Upselling is a sales technique whereby a person induces the customer to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons in an attempt to make a more profitable sale. Upselling usually involves marketing more profitable services or products, but upselling can also be simply exposing the customer to other options he or she may not have considered previously. Upselling implies selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of, or in addition to the original sale. A different technique is cross-selling in which a seller tries to sell something else.

In practice, large businesses usually combine up-selling and cross-selling techniques to enhance the value that the client or clients get from the organization in addition to maximizing the profit that the business gets from the client. In doing so, the organization must ensure that the relationship with the client is not disrupted.”

That is a quick summary of what this is all courtesy of Wikipedia… So if you haven’t been doing this so far, I’d suggest you get familiar and give it a try. There is a lot of money to be made up-selling and cross-selling domains. I’ve been doing it forever now, as I always prefer to do bulk deals.

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  • You can also see an extreme example of up selling by purchasing a domain name at Godaddy. :-)

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